Volume 17, Issue 38 (Summer 2004)                   IJN 2004, 17(38): 42-50 | Back to browse issues page

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Z. Fotokian, M. Alikhani, N. Salman Yazdi, R. Jamshidi. QUALITY OF LIVES OF PRIMARY RELATIVES PROVIDING CARE FOR THEIR CANCER PATIENTS. IJN 2004; 17 (38) :42-50
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-51-en.html
Abstract:   (17135 Views)
Undeniably, Cancer has a great negative impact on physical, psychological, social and financial aspects of the families. Therefore, in caring for these patients, heir families needs should be considered. Considering these demands would eventually promote their role in care giving process. So, determining the quality of lives of families giving care to their cancer patients. A descriptive study was conducted with 115 participants, and questionnaires were used to gather the data. Findings showed that the quality of lives in 66/1% of the sample group were almost well, and regarding physical, psychological and spiritual domains, well being belonged respectively to 15/7%, 1/7% and 47%, whereas 4.3% were not well spiritually. Overall, the quality of lives of more than half of the sample group were almost well, so it is the nurse whom can help promoting the quality of lives of patient's families by providing information, supporting and giving consult services. It is recommended that the authorities provide extensive plans for insurance, facilities, drugs and home care services for patients and families. The researcher suggests a qualitative study on the same topic.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2006/12/23 | Published: 2004/07/15

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