Volume 29, Issue 103 (December 2016)                   IJN 2016, 29(103): 24-32 | Back to browse issues page

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F O, V V D. The Effect of a Selected Intermittent Training on Symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. IJN 2016; 29 (103) :24-32
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2349-en.html
1- Instructor, MS in Sport Sciences Departmen, University of ayatollah Boroujerdi‚ Borujerd‚ Iran. )Corresponding author (. Tel: +986642468320 Email: omidali.fatemeh@yahoo.com
2- Assistant Professor, PhD in Sport Sciences Department, University of Lorestan, Khorramabad, Iran
Abstract:   (6410 Views)


Background & Aim: Most of women experience premenstrual syndrome in their reproductive age. This syndrome has a periodic occurrence with combination of physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a selected intermittent training on symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome in non-athletes girls.

Material & Methods: This quasi-experimental study with pre-test/post-test control group design conducted  in 2014-15. Participants were 30 non-athlete girls (18-23 years old) with premenstrual syndrome from Ayatollah Boroujerdi University, Broujerd, Iran that randomly assigned to experimental (15) and control (15) groups. The experimental group performed selected intermittent training three sessions per week for six weeks. The participants were assessed before and after training period, using a premenstrual symptoms screening tool (Iranian version). All data were analyzed using Independent Samples T test and Paired Samples T test (p≤0.05).

Results: Results showed that there were no significant differences between the groups before intervention, but after intervention, the severity of mood (p<0.05) and physical symptoms (p<0.05) and the impact of these symptoms on person’s life (p<0.05) was significantly lower in experimental group than those in control group.

Conclusion: Intermittent training improves the severity of premenstrual syndrome in participants of present study. 

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2016/09/8 | Accepted: 2016/12/11 | Published: 2016/12/11

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