Volume 25, Issue 80 (February 2013)                   IJN 2013, 25(80): 46-55 | Back to browse issues page

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Yekke Fallah L, Azimi H, Sadeghi T. The Effect of Aerobic and Walking Exercise on Physical and Psychological Symptoms and Pain of Premenstrual Syndrome. IJN 2013; 25 (80) :46-55
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1489-en.html
1- Nursing student of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin-Iran (Corresponding Author). , H.Azimi88@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (13425 Views)

  Background & Aims: Premenstrual Syndrome may have disabling effects on the person’s performance in the family and community . To relief from the symptoms of this syndrome, different methods such as safe exercise have been recommended. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a three –month regular aerobic and walking exercise on physical and psychological symptoms and pain of premenstrual syndrome .

  Material and Methods: this Quasi-Experimental study was conducted on 7 0 volunteer 18-32 years old female students with at least 40% PMS symptoms. The Participants were randomly assigned into 3 groups of aerobic, walking and control. Aerobic group exercise 7 types of practice for 30 minutes daily for 3 months. The walking group practiced fast walking 30 minutes daily for 3 months. All of Participants completed the standard questionnaire of “Jack. Tips” for 3 times (before, 1 and 3 months after intervention).Data were analyzed using SPSS win (v.16) using one-way ANOVA. Significance level was considered as less than 0.05.

  Results: Pain reduction was significant at the end of first and third month of intervention (p=0.008, p=0.047). A significant difference was observed for physical symptoms after one menstruation cycle (p=0.001) although it was not significant after three menstruation cycles. No significant differences were observed in psychological symptoms after 1 and 3 cycles. Repeated measurement showed significant difference in physical symptoms of the 3 (P = 0.034).

 Conclusion: Three months of walking and aerobic exercise are very effective in reducing pain and Physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Although aerobic exercise is more effective in reducing pain , but it does not create a significant improvement in psychological symptoms. Performing these two exercises are recommended to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

  Received: 5 Mar 2013

  Accepted: 1 Jun 2013


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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2013/06/9 | Accepted: 2014/08/25 | Published: 2014/08/25

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