Volume 12, Issue 16 And 17 (5-1998)                   IJN 1998, 12(16 And 17): 65-71 | Back to browse issues page

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Farideh Joze Kabiry. Research the settlement of communication between nurses and the patients confmded in the internal cardiac wards of the related hospital affiliated to ministry of Health, Therapy and Medical Education, Tehran, 1992. IJN 1998; 12 (16 and 17) :65-71
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1212-en.html
Abstract:   (9585 Views)

This research is a descriptive study which had been performed in order of settlement of communication between the nurses with the confinded patients in the internal cardiac wards in the hospital affiliated to Ministry of Health and Medical Educations of Tehran. This research has been done in twelve internal cardiac. wards of the hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The research subjects are thirty graduated nurses who have been working for three or four years and at the time of research performance have been working as clinical nurses in the internal cardiac wards of the above mentioned hospitals in morning and afternoon shifts. The research has been conducted using two questionnaires of verbal and semiverbal communications in which there is even a place for determination of time and a particular hour for timing, wristle and quantity of communication in respect of establishment both verbal and semiverbal communication between the nurses and patients confinded in internal cardiac wards of the hospitals.

The findings of this research showed that the number of nurses who were involved in discussing in different matters and establish verbal and semiverbal communications are very few. From the point of view of communication settlement also the time used in this respect is very little.

To evaluate the number of times the verbal and semiverbal communications is established between the nurse and the material status and shift hours of mornings or afternoons, the number of hospitalized days, etc. the T test and Piersonian correlation coefficrent are used in this respect. The findings of this research reveal that there is no relation or correlation between verbal and semiverJlal communication and the aforesaid changes between number of times of establishing the verbal and semiverbal communications
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2012/04/22 | Accepted: 2018/07/30 | Published: 2018/07/30

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