Journal information

Director-in-Charge Fatemeh Oskouie. PhD
Editor in Chief Leili Borimnejad. PhD
Associate Editor Tahereh Najafi Ghezelgeh. PhD
Assistant Editor  Fahimeh Ranjbar. PhD
Pubishing License Number 21/2285 (Issued by the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance)
English Content Editor  Zeinab Nasrollahi. PhD
Executive Director Mozhgan Janatifard
Office Manager, Online Administrator, Layout Designer Mozhgan Janatifard
Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center of Iran University of
Medical Sciences
Negah Institute for Social Research & Scientific Communication
in Cooperation with Negah Scientific Publisher

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Iran Journal of Nursing

2024، Volume 37، Number 147

Online ISSN: 2008-5931

Director-in-Charge:  Fatemeh Oskouie. PhD

Editor-in-Chief:  Leili Borimnejad. PhD

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 37، Number 147
  • Online ISSN:2008-5931
  • Director-in-Charge: Fatemeh Oskouie. PhD
  • Editor-in-Chief:Leili Borimnejad. PhD
  • Associate Editor: Dr. Tahereh Najafi Ghezeljeh
  • Frequency: Biomonthly
  • Publisher: Iran University of Medical Sciences 

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