Volume 16, Issue 35 (Autumn 2003)                   IJN 2003, 16(35): 10-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghodsi, Z, Jahanfar, Sh, Shahpourian, F, Jamshidi, R. THE EFFECT OF COMMUNITY BASED DISTRIBUTION FAMILY PLANNING ON CONTRACEPTIVE USE IN HAMEDAN, 1380-81. IJN 2003; 16 (35) :10-13
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-71-en.html
Abstract:   (11646 Views)
Conducting family planning programs at an extensive level in third world countries has economical, social and cultural advantages and decrease maternal and fetal mortality. Community based distribution (CBD) can effectively deliver family planning services at home. CBD promotes women’s Knowledge and facilitates their access to family planning methods. Finally, it enhances the rate of the usage of these methods. To determine the effect of community based distribution on family planning usage in Hamden’s household, a field study was carried out. Using a multy- staged method, 330 subjects were chosen and divided into two groups, control (n=110) and experimental (n=220). Findings revealed that by delivering family planning services at home the level of familiarity with preventive methods and also the correct usage of them will increases, as it was meaningfuly different in our two groups (P=0.001). Therefore, family planning services to be delivered at home is recommended. Evaluation of this service in remote areas (villages and tribes) and also the cost effectiveness of these programs are suggested to be done by other researches.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2006/12/26 | Published: 2003/10/15

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