Volume 17, Issue 40 (Winter 2005)                   IJN 2005, 17(40): 62-69 | Back to browse issues page

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T, Baghaei, A.R, Saleh moghaddam, M, Seidi. MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND NURSING MANAGERS. IJN 2005; 17 (40) :62-69
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-37-en.html
1- , manager7228@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (14828 Views)

 Developing, Progressing and prosperity of an organization depends on the managers’ knowledge and attitude. In nursing as a profession, regarding high population, increased life expectancy and the needs for good health services, the responsibility of the managers to be equipped with new knowledge is very prominent.

  So, to assess the knowledge level and attitude of nursing managers towards the principals and it’s relations with their managerial practices from the view point of their personnel, a correlative study was designed with 42 managers and 343 nursing personnel, in order to gather the data questionnaires were used.

  Our findings showed that 79% of matrons, 64.3% of supervisors and 58.3% of head nurses were enjoying average knowledge of management and regarding their positive attitude, matrons, supervisors and head nurses gained the score of 100%, 71.4% and 87.5 respectively. Furthermore, considering their managerial practice, the percentages of 50% and 57.1% belonged to matrons and supervisors which practiced in a medium level, meanwhile, 70.8% of head nurses were good in managerial practices.

  Overall, promotion of the knowledge level and attitude of nursing mangers is of great importance, because good quality of nursing care depends on this issue.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2006/12/17 | Published: 2005/01/15

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