Volume 28, Issue 98 (February 2016)                   IJN 2016, 28(98): 21-30 | Back to browse issues page

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Abdi N, Mohamadi K, Bashti S, Zaj P. The Effect of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing on Patient Anxiety while Waiting Cardiac Catheterization. IJN 2016; 28 (98) :21-30
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2253-en.html
1- MS in Critical Care Nursing, Department of nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran. (Corresponding author) Tel:09171403871- 07432223853 Email:abdi.naeim@yahoo.com
2- MS in Critical Care Nursing, Department of nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences,Yasuj, Iran.
3- General Physicion, School of Medicine, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences. Yasuj, Iran.
Abstract:   (6715 Views)


Background & Aims: Cardiac catheterization is a common method in heart diseases that increase the level of anxiety in patients. Present study was conducted to indentify the efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing on anxiety of patients underwent cardiac catheterization.

Material & Methods: In a clinical trial. Sixty patients that waiting for cardiac catheterization hospitalized at cardiac ward of Taleghani hospital in Tehran in 2014 were divided by random assignment into experimental and control groups. In order to collect data, demographic questionnaire and anxiety questionnaire were used. Interventions including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing were performed in up two sessions for 30 to 45 minutes. Anxiety level of patients was measured before and after intervention. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, t-test, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney U and Chi square tests.

Results: Mean anxiety level in experimental group was 46.75± 4.18 before intervention and it was 9.51± 2.23 after intervention, so it showed a statistically significant difference (P<0/05). Mean anxiety level in control group was 47.56± 5.13 before intervention and it was 45.34± 5.11 after intervention, so it did show a statistically significant difference (P<0/05).

Conclusion: The eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a newly effective, useful, efficient and non-invasive method for treatment and reducing anxiety in patients undergo cardiac catheterization.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2015/11/12 | Accepted: 2016/02/13 | Published: 2016/02/13

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