Volume 19, Issue 48 (Winter 2007)                   IJN 2007, 19(48): 47-54 | Back to browse issues page

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M.Ostovar, F. Nassiriziba, S.Taavoni, H. Haghani. Knowledge and Attitudes of Women Towards Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. IJN 2007; 19 (48) :47-54
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-218-en.html
Abstract:   (12343 Views)

 Background & Aim: Today, sexually transmitted diseases are developed as a threatened health problem in the developed and developing countries. According to several studies, approximately one million people are affected by sexually transmitted diseases per day, with 333 millions cases in the world.

 The objectives of the study were to assess knowledge and attitude of women towards sexually transmitted diseases, and AIDS and the relating factors.

 Material & Method: The design was descriptive study. The study sample consisted of 500 literate women from 15 to 49 years old in reproductive age. In this study the stratified random sampling was used. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. After completing the questionnaires, the scores of knowledge and attitude were categorized and then the association between knowledge and attitude, was determined in women in Andimeshk.

 Results: The results showed that the mean and standard deviton of age scores in women, was 27.18±9. Most of the women (62.8%) had diploma in education. Only 11.2% of women were well-informed and had high knowledge level. Also 52/4% of the subjects had negative attitude in the transmitting ways of sexually transmitted diseases, and preventive strategies of AIDS. The analysis of variance showed significant correlation between knowledge and the variables of age (P=0.002), education (P=0.000), job (P=0.000), and the spouses' job (P=0.008) and partners' education (P=0.025). Also there were signifcant correlation between attitude and age (P=0.000), education (P=0.000), and job (P=0.003). Pearson correlation coeffiaent showed that there was a direct significant relationship between knowledge and attitude (P=0.000).

 Conclusion: Based on the study findings, appropriate knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS leads to desired attitude and behavior, and reducing unreasonable fear. It seems that most of women need more education in this field with mass media.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2007/10/22 | Published: 2007/05/15

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