Volume 12, Issue 18 And 19 (11-1998)                   IJN 1998, 12(18 And 19): 54-56 | Back to browse issues page

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Salemi S. Nutrition in children with cancer. IJN 1998; 12 (18 and 19) :54-56
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1408-en.html
Abstract:   (6044 Views)
It is very important for a child with cancer to have a normal process of growth. Then management of child's nutritional status and his/her security protection is necessary. The objectives of this article were to assess nutritional status, to find reasons for malnutrition, to introduce a suitable nutritional regimen, to evaluate psychological status, to educate the child and his/her family about a suitable nutrition, and to plan for a suitable nutritional regimen during child hospitalization. Hazards of malnutrition add to bodily and psychological factors which causes malnutrition should be considered. The most important cause of malnutrition in these children is malabsorbtion and anorexia due to basically disease or therapies related to it. Since 1900 the most effective treatment of cancer had been chemotherapy and radiotherapy which both causes for anorexia and malabsorbtion
Full-Text [PDF 576 kb]   (1842 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2012/12/17 | Published: 1998/11/15

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