Volume 12, Issue 18 And 19 (11-1998)                   IJN 1998, 12(18 And 19): 95-101 | Back to browse issues page

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Soltan Ahmady G. Investigation the frequency and intensity of pre-menstrual syndrome among high school female students. IJN 1998; 12 (18 and 19) :95-101
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1402-en.html
Abstract:   (7515 Views)

  This field study investigated the frequency and intensity of pre-menstrual syndrome among high school female students in their final years of schooling in Kerman(IRAN, 1993).

  A total of 400 high school female students who met the subject criteria were selected on a multistage sampling process.

  The tool was a questionnaire, based on Rossignol and Bonnlander (1988) instrument prepared to measure the frequency and intensity of premenstrual syndrome in a group of university students in oregon, this instrument fitted the purpose of our study. The information, gathered demographic characteristics (personal & family), pattern of food and exercise habits of the subjects, further the participants were questioned about the presence and intensity of premenstrual syndrome.

  The findings are presented in 47 tables descriptive and inferal statistics were employed to analyse the results.

  The results indicated that the majority of the subjects were 17 years old. The menstrual cycle varied from 29 to 35 days. Bleeding days extended 5 days in most cases. A considerable number claimed they experienced moderate menstrual pain and did not exercise. The education level of their mothers were high school. The mothers and sisters did not experience pre-menstrual syndrome.

  Regarding food habits, majority ate sweets and junket up to twice a day and drunk 4-6 glasses of water, 3 servings of fruit juice 2, servings of milk, two servings of caffeinated drinks and up to two glasses of other sweet drinks daily.

  Of the total subjects 66.5% experienced premenstrual syndrome, with a less than moderate intensity. Yet a small number reported moderate to severe premenstrual syndrome. The investigation revealed a significant correlation between the frequency of syndrome and age, painful menstruations, pattern of physical exercise, mothers' education level, presence of the syndrome in the mother and sister (P<0.001).

  Significant correlations were also estimated between the frequency of syndrome and consuming sweets, junket, and liquid intake of either kind.

  The findings also indicated a significant correlation between intensity of pre-menstrual syndrome and severity of menstrual pain, physical exercise, consumption of sweets, junket, daily intake of milk, sweet and caffeinated drinks.

  In conclusion recommendations for implementation of corrective measures and further research were made.


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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2012/12/17 | Published: 1998/11/15

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