Volume 10, Issue 14 And 15 (5-1996)                   IJN 1996, 10(14 And 15): 15-23 | Back to browse issues page

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simin taavony. Mea su r ement and comparement of the use, effectiveness and complication of Iran and foreign made intra uterin devices in women who have been using the mentioned me t h od for birth control planning clinics of the university of medical sciences of Iran(1993) .. IJN 1996; 10 (14 and 15) :15-23
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1190-en.html
Abstract:   (11420 Views)

 This is a field study, tile purpose was to measure and compare the use'. effectiveness and complication of Iranian and foreign intra utcrin device ill women who have been using the mentioned method f or birth control ill family planning clinics of the university of medical sciences of Iran (/ 993).

 III this research by Pois son statistical selection, 1620 samples of active record'! oj womell. using intra utcrin devices in family plmllli1lg clinics oJ the university oJ medical science of Iran were studied. The medical record oJ subject was used to fill the prepared check list and the results were

 extensively studied. The information was illustrated ill 69 tables. The descript ive and illf erelltial statistics (life table, X 2 and fisher exact test) were used to analyze this injonnation. Tile results oJ this sUlliey showed that: I - Tile use effectiveness oJ cacti I.U.D, after tile period oJ 1-11.5 years, are different (at tile end offirst year it was 85.27% - 98.99%, that is relatively more thun tile reports declared by other COUll tries).

 2 - Tile complications oJ various types of Iran and foreign made I.U.D. are differelll Jor example tile possibility of preglUlIlc.y af ter a period o[ 11.5 years Jor all typ es o[ I.V.D. is 3.7% ami Tcu 380A (fo reign I.U.D) possibility o[ pregnam..y aft er 6 mouths to 4.5 years oJ usage is 0.53%. Theref ore, this device is considered to he the most suitable device [or prevention oJ pregnancy.

 3-Complications oJ difJa ew types oJ Iran and fo reign made I.U.D have correlation with the

 personal locating I.U.D in the uterine cavity (P

 vaginal discharge ill both above mentioned I.V.D. have correlation with the previousc genital ill! ectioll(P

  Complications of severe genital infection in foreign made: I.U. D. have correlation with previous genital infection (P=O.05). Altlwugl' the rabies showed remarkable points, no correlation were found between the complications and other personal dutractristics. Filially suggestion on the basis of gained data for the usage of infarmation and the following researches were made.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2012/04/22 | Accepted: 2013/02/23 | Published: 2013/02/23

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