Volume 9, Issue 13 (12-1995)                   IJN 1995, 9(13): 55-59 | Back to browse issues page

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Mirza mohamadiy. Comparison of changes of blood sugar levels during regional and general anesthesia in non insulin dependent diabetic patients undergoing elective eye surgery in selected hospitals in Tehran. IJN 1995; 9 (13) :55-59
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1188-en.html
Abstract:   (7339 Views)

  This quasi experim ent al study is a survey to compare changes of blood suger levels during regional and general anesthesia in non insulin dependent diabetic patients undergoing elective eye surgery in selected Tehran,s hospi tals. In this study 60 non insulin dependent diabetic patients were selected and devided into two groups of 30 each. 30 Patien ts had operation with general anesthesia and second group had eye operation under retrobulbar block (local anesthesia). Premedication in genearl anesthesia was fontanyl e 1-3 mg/kg and atropine 0.01 mglkg body-weight 15

minutes before surgery. Drugs used for induct ion of anesthesia were nesdonal 3-5 mglkg and succynile 1-2 mg/kg and maintenance of anesthesia was oxygen 50% nitrous oxide 50% and halothane 0.3-2%. As patient needed intravenous solution 100cc of D.W %5 every hour was used for both groups. Patients under local anesthesia had retrobulbar block with xylocain %2, 4cc or xyloca in 5%(2cc) and for long duration syrgery marcaine %0.75 (1.5 cc) with 3 cC xylocain 2% was used. Akin ezia was done by 8_lOcc injection of xylocain 2% . Blood glucose were meas ured with blood test strip (glucose - V3 times. once before operation, second time one hour after operation and the last time after finishing of operation in recovery room). For the purpose of data collection the patients records and check list were used. Findings of this study were summerized in to 19 tables, and they were analyzed by T-tes t and paired observation. Findings confirmed hypothesis of this study. Based on hypothesis the level of Blood glucose rises during general anesthesia and the survey demonstra ted during local anesthesia indicated that blood glucose had no sever tlactuation. Based on the findings investigator suggests regional anesthesia for eye surgery in patients with non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2012/04/21 | Accepted: 2018/07/30 | Published: 2018/07/30

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