Abstract: (6048 Views)
The slogan of WHO in 1986 is “healthy life, victory for all”. It shows more confirmation and attention to positive personal and social activities in direction of health maintenance and health promotion. But in the world that anticipating near one billion people added to young and adolescent population up to 2000 and majority of them live in undeveloped countries and don’t access to health facilities, how we can hope for “health for all up to 2000” ? International socio-economical office of world health statistics (1987), had calculated worlds’ population, 4.837billion people (1.174 billion in developed countries and 3.663 billion in developing countries) in 1985 and 6.122 billion people (1.277 billion in developed countries and 4.845 billion in developing countries) in 2000. Population growth percent in developed countries are 24.3 and in developing countries are 75.7 in 1985 and this growth in developed countries are 20.9 and in developing countries are 79.1 in 2000
Type of Study:
Research |
nursing Received: 2012/04/19 | Accepted: 2018/07/30 | Published: 2018/07/30