Volume 35, Issue 137 (September 2022)                   IJN 2022, 35(137): 330-341 | Back to browse issues page

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Safarnia shahri S, Heidari M R, Moradi M, Kazemnejad A. The Effect of Regular Exercise Program on the Pain of the Elderly in Knee Osteoarthritis. IJN 2022; 35 (137) :330-341
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3581-en.html
1- Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. , mheidari@shahed.ac.ir
3- Orthopedic surgery Department, Allameh Bohlool Gonabadi Hospital, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran.
4- Department of Biostatistics , Faculty of Medical Sciences,Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
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Knee osteoarthritis (KO) is the most common joint disease in the elderly and the main cause of chronic pain and disability in both developed and developing countries. Various factors such as obesity, physical inactivity and joint injury play a role in its occurrence. This disease is associated with pain, and reduced range of motion, as well as complete cartilage destruction and disability. Due to the pain and limitation of knee movement and muscle weakness, older people have difficulty performing daily activities. The pain is aggravated by activities such as climbing stairs and walking. The onset of knee pain is usually gradual and worsens with prolonged activity, frequent use of stairs, and inactivity. Impairment in performing the activities of daily living can lead to consequences such as fatigue, reduced social functioning, reduced quality of life, and sleep problems. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods are used for KO treatment which mainly focus on reducing pain and improving physical function and quality of life. Patients with mild intermittent symptoms need non-pharmacological treatment, and while those with stable and debilitating pain need non-pharmacological treatment and exercise is the best intervention for them. 
Non-pharmacological approaches play an important role in managing symptoms and preventing disability in KO. One of the main components of KO treatment is strengthening the function and strength of joint muscles, because muscle weakness makes the joint more prone to injury. Exercise, as a non-pharmacological method, can restore the physiological function of synoviocytes, prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis and postpone the need for joint replacement. The results of a meta-analysis in 2021 suggested that exercise is a safe and effective method for patients with KO, and can mainly reduce their pain. Physical activity and exercise have few side effects and can reduce the intensity of pain and improve physical function and quality of life of patients and lead to improvement of their physical and mental health. Exercise programs by strengthening the hip and leg joints reduce pain in patients with KO. The effects of pain relief with exercise therapy not only are greater than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen, but also has no side effects. 
Various studies have been conducted on different methods of exercises for patients with KO, but none of them have mentioned a specific protocol; their results have reported low to high effects of exercises on pain. Considering the different results of studies about the effects of exercise in reducing the pain of KO patients and the lack of studies on older adults in this field in Iran, this study aims to determine the effect of a regular home workout program on the pain of older patients with KO.
Materials and Methods
In this randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in March 2021 for three months, 70 older people with KO were selected using a convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to exercise and control groups. The patients in the exercise group were first trained by the researcher for 4 weeks in the clinic of Allameh Bohlool Gonabadi Hospital as a trial at 4 sessions of 30 minutes ( from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.). For another 4 weeks, the patients performed exercises at home twice a day for one month. The control group received routine treatment program and had no any contact with the patients in the exercise group. The program included exercises to strengthen the quadriceps, calf muscles, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, internal thigh and abdominal muscles. A demographic/clinical profile form and knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS) were used to collect data. The Persian version of KOOS was validated by Salvati who reported a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.88. Data were analyzed in SPSS software, version 18 using descriptive and inferential statistics. The significance level was set at 0.05.
Based on the results of chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test and independent t test, there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of age, height, weight, body mass index, duration of illness, gender, marital status, educational level, economic status, occupation, using/not using stairs, history of frequent heavy load carrying, history of sitting cross-legged, history of joint injury, family history of illness and the two groups were homogenous. According to the results of independent t-test, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups before the intervention (P=0.587), but the difference was significant after the intervention (P=0.009). With an effect size of 0.74, it can be said that the home workout program had a moderate effect on the pain of patients.
 The home workout program has a positive effect on pain reduction and can lead to better pain control. It is recommended to use this program as a simple and cost-effective intervention for the rehabilitation of patients with KO along with other treatment methods. It is recommended to compare the effectiveness of home workout program in two age groups of elderly and non-elderly. The home workout program is also recommended for the elderly with osteoarthritis in other joints.

Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines

This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Shahed University (IR.SHAHED.REC.1399.145) and registered by Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (ID: IRCT20210129050172N1)

The study was extracted from the master thesis of the first author approved by Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. 

Authors' contributions
Investigation: Sara Safarnia Shahri; Supervision and project administration: Mohammad Reza Heidari; Data analysis: Anooshirvan Kazemnejad; Preparing initial draft, editing & review: Mohammad Reza Heidari, Sara Safarnia Shahri, Meisam Moradi.

Conflict of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.

The authors would like to thank to the Deputy for Research of Shahed University and all the patients for their cooperation in this research.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2022/06/13 | Accepted: 2022/08/23 | Published: 2022/09/1

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