Volume 12, Issue 16 And 17 (5-1998)                   IJN 1998, 12(16 And 17): 5-9 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (8335 Views)

  A field survey was conducted to study kidney transplant patients ' satisfaction from education in

  Tehran (1994).

  A total of 100 patie nts were selected seque ntially. The tool was a 4 part questionnaire including

  age, sex, marital status , work status, education, the duration of the haemodialysis received before

  the trans plant and the duration of the transplant. The second part posed twelve questions regarding

  the nursing care they received during hospitalization. The third part with eight questions inquired

  about the care they received from the health team other than nurses and finally their satisfaction

  from the care they received immediately before discharge was evaluated with ten questions. The

  subjects were asked to check in columns indicating highly satisfied, moderat ely satisfied and the

  least satisfied answers to the test questions regarding satisfaction from the nursing care received

  while hospitalized.

  The findings are presented in thirty-eight tables and a line graph. Further values such as mean

  and standard deviations and inferal statistical test were employed.

  82% of the subjects said they were highly satisfied with the nursing care they received from

  nurses during hospitalization, 16% were moderately satisfied and only 2% were the least satisfied.

  On the other hand 64% were highly satisfied from the care they received from other members of

  the health team, 35% were moderately satisfied and 1% the least satisfied. Finally regarding the

  care rendered to patients immediately before discharge, 56% were highly satisfied, 37% moderately

  satisfied and 7% the least satisfied. The overall estimation revealed that 76% of the subjects were

  highly satisfied, 22% moderately satisfied and only 2% the least satisfied.

  To correlate the demographic data with the subjects ' satisfaction score X2 and pierson

  correlation al test and regression equation were employed.

  The findings showed no significant correlation between subjects level of satisfaction from

  nursing care received while hospitalized and immediately before discharge with the demographic

  characteristics except the duration of kidney transplant. The longer the duration the higher was the

  subjects' satisfaction.

  Based on the findings recommendations for implication of the findings in all health fields and

  further research was made. It is hoped that the findings will serve for providing better nursing care

  for patients with kidney transplant.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2012/04/22 | Accepted: 2018/07/30 | Published: 2018/07/30

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