چکیده: (6019 مشاهده)
This paper is by Terry Kemp. She is a midwife with 10 years record of service. In this paper she speaks about her own experience which had burdened her in that condition. Herpes gestation is a rare condition and has been defined in books related to autoimmune gestation disease. If your reaction after reading the title of this paper was just shrugging your shoulders and accepting it as a viral infection, then you have been mistaken just like me. It was twenty second week of my first gestation that herpes was diagnosed for me. The term herpes is a serious reference for a midwife. Thus knowing that I am affected, accompanied by anxiety had bad effects on me. Of course understanding what I am saying is something that is difficult for one, but at least it gives new insight to readers
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پرستاری دریافت: 1391/1/31 | پذیرش: 1397/5/8 | انتشار: 1397/5/8