جلد 7، شماره 6 - ( 1-1372 )                   جلد 7 شماره 6 صفحات 29-28 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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F. Moezi. Modern vampire. IJN 1993; 7 (6) :28-29
URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1113-fa.html
ف. معزی . خون آشام مدرن. نشریه پرستاری ایران. 1372; 7 (6) :28-29

URL: http://ijn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1113-fa.html

چکیده:   (5716 مشاهده)
Helminthes such as bloodsucker that have been important treatment in the past few centuries has reduced the use of them today. But Sheila Danton says they are used in the development of plastic surgery recently. Leech therapy? I had heard that they were using in the past. Is this true? If your perception is that it is time to think again about this. Many old outdated treatments (the use of leeches is one of them) have been identified as a new treatment in medicine
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