Volume 30, Issue 110 (February 2018)                   IJN 2018, 30(110): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran. (Corresponding Author) Tel: 03155913750 Email: sadoughi@kashanu.ac.ir
2- MA in Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran
Abstract:   (5838 Views)
Background & Aim: Identifying the factors related to the psychological well-being of medical sciences students is very important. It seems that forgiveness as a process, helping individuals to reduce resentment, improve interpersonal relationships, and decrease negative emotions can play an vital role in their well-being. The present study aimed to predict the psychological well-being of medical sciences students based on forgiveness components.
Material & Method: This was a descriptive, correlational study. In this study, 250 medical and nursing students from Kashan University of Medical Science, were selected via a multistage stratified sampling in 2016- 2017, and completed the Ehteshamzadeh Interpersonal Forgiveness Scale and the Ryff’s Psychological Well-being Scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean & standard deviation) and inferential statistics including Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t test and multiple stepwise regression analysis using the SPSS software version 22.
Results: The mean scores for interpersonal forgiveness and psychological well-being were 66.73 ± 9.14, and 76.32 ± 10.70, respectively. The total mean scores for interpersonal forgiveness (t=2.59, P=0.01) and psychological well-being (t=3.31, P<0.01) were significantly higher in female students compared to male students but there was no statistically significant difference between medical students and nursing students in forgiveness (t=-0.55, P=0.58) and psychological well-being (t=0.56, P=0.57). Psychological well-being had a statistically significant relationship with the restructure of relationship and control of revenge (r=0.32, P<0.01), pain control (r=0.49, P<0.01), and realistic understanding (r=0.23, P<0.01). Moreover, pain control (β=0.49, P<0.001) and realistic understanding (β=0.13, P<0.05) were the strongest predictors of psychological well-being among the students of medical sciences.
Conclusion: The psychological well-being of medical and nursing students could be enhanced by improving the level of forgiveness. Therefore, The development and implementation of educational programs to improve moral virtues such as forgiveness, can promote the psychological health of medical sciences students through preventing anger and promoting realistic understanding.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2017/11/4 | Accepted: 2018/02/3 | Published: 2018/02/3

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