Volume 30, Issue 106 (June 2017)                   IJN 2017, 30(106): 68-77 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Urmiya University, Urmiya, Iran
2- M.A of Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardebili University, Ardebil, Iran. (Corresponding author) Tel: 09145969108 Email:s.derakhshanfard@gmail.com
3- Instructor, PayameNoor University, Urmiya, Iran
4- M.A of Educational Planing, Department of Educational SciencesTabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, University, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract:   (6011 Views)
Background & Aims: Despite the women’s high levels of capability in many areas of occupation, their presence in management positions is inconspicuous. The purpose of this study was to identify the barriers to female nurses’ progression to management positions.
Material & Methods: The research was a descriptive, analytical study. The statistical population was all the nurses working at Imam Khomeini hospital in Ardabil 2014. A total of 150 participants were selected using the stratified random sampling. To collect the data, the Kattara’s questionnaire on the barriers to female nurses’ progression to management positions was used. The exploratory factor analysis was employed to analyze the data using the SPSS software version 16.
Results: The assessment of the role of each domain in the process of job progression showed that respectively, gender discrimination 9.01%, gender stereotype 8.27%, work relationships 8.17%, family support 5.92%, work-culture conflict 5.84%, the glass ceiling 5.70%, leader support 5.66%, personality difference 4.34%, discrimination in access to the network 4.43%, and work-family conflict 4.40 %played a role in the process of job progression.
Conclusion: Gender discrimination had a significant difference in the distribution of management positions between men and women. In order to fill the gap, attracting attention of managers and authorities to women’s capabilities in the management positions is needed. Moreover, enhancing women’s self-esteem, having good work relationship with women and helping them to make a positive attitude towards their capabilities can solve the problems related to the female nurses’ progression to management positions.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: nursing
Received: 2017/03/18 | Accepted: 2017/06/20 | Published: 2017/06/20

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